1. Getting Started
  2. Installation: Preline UI


Preline UI - Tailwind CSS component library

Quickly set up Preline UI Tailwind CSS library for your project. Browse Tailwind components and UI elements such as buttons, grids, tables, and more.

Quick setup

This guide will help you get started with Preline UI, including how to run, customize, update, and integrate your project!

First, you need to make sure that you have a working Tailwind CSS project installed and that you also have Node and NPM installed on your machine.

Require via NPM

  1. Install Preline UI

    Install preline via npm

    npm i preline

    Please note, Preline UI uses Tailwind CSS Forms plugin in all form components. Don't forget to install it, if you haven't done so already: npm install -D @tailwindcss/forms

  2. Add the Preline UI plugin

    Include Preline UI as a plugin in the tailwind.config.js file.

    // tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports = {  content: [    // './src/**/*.{html,js}',      'node_modules/preline/dist/*.js',  ],  plugins: [    // require('@tailwindcss/forms'),      require('preline/plugin'),  ],}
  3. Add the Preline UI JavaScript

    Include the JavaScript <script> that powers the interactive elements near the end of your </body> tag:

    // index.html<script src="./node_modules/preline/dist/preline.js"></script>

Framework Guides

Looking for a way to install Preline UI with your frameworks and build tools?

What's Preline UI?

It's an open-source set of prebuilt UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework.

Why use Preline UI?

Based on the Tailwind CSS utility classes, Preline UI's prebuilt components and UI elements help you quickly design and customize responsive mobile-first websites with diverse predefined components (such as modals, buttons, alerts, cards and more).

What's in the box?

Components are grouped by visual usability criteria (components, navigation, forms, etc.) and styled directly on top of Tailwind CSS, making them easy to extend and customize. This is a lifesaver for developers looking to create a unique and eye-catching design system without the hassle of creating each component by hand.